Innovations to Kazakh laws on the court decision

August 8, 2018

On March 16, 2018 the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan issued the regulatory decree №3 (hereinafter – the «Regulatory Decree») on the amendment of the regulatory decree №5 as of July 11, 2003 “On court decision”. 

Investment grants

November 5, 2014

As is known this summer dramatical changes were made into the laws on investments in frames of increase of investment attractiveness of the state.

One of key changes for attraction of investors is so called investment subsidies, which imply compensation of 30% of factual expenditures associated with construction and purchase of equipment within the project.

Legal audit: luxury or necessity?

June 4, 2018

Legal audit of a company before its acquisition, known in the business environment as due diligence, is commonly essential condition for making a final decision of the foreign investor on the purchase of shares in Kazakh legal entity. 

License agreement: main practical issues

October 4, 2018

In recent years, business environment of Kazakhstan states the increase of number of transactions related to franchising. Business structures provide their partners or receive from them brands, trademarks, patents and other objects of exclusive rights. Each party of these deals has certain advantages that can lead to beneficial cooperation.

Loans raising from individuals

May 13, 2015

As is known, legal entities and individuals are prohibited to attract any funds from individuals as an entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in other words to carry out entrepreneurial activity in form of loans raising from individuals, and any such transactions will be declared void from the time of signature.

New types of alternative (conciliation) procedures for dispute resolution in the Republic of Kazakhstan

January 19, 2016

On 1 January 2016, the new Civil Procedure Code of 31 October 2015, the Entrepreneurial Code of 29 October 2015[1], as well as the Law “On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on improvement of the justice system” are coming into effective.[2] Among the innovations in these regulations is the promotion of alternative disputes re