Payment for corporate stock by set-off
In the course of providing legal services, we have more than once come across the question of whether one can pay for stock of a joint-stock company (hereinafter referred to as JSC) by set-off of liabilities.
Penalty – as security of obligations under supply agreement
Unlike state procurement supply agreements which in most cases require to provide a bank guarantee as a security of obligations, in simple supply agreements the obligations performance very oft are secured by penalty only.
Personal data
In order to ensure duly protection of rights and basic freedoms and, in particular personal privacy regardless of citizenship and place of living, in view of today’ automatic data processing, the European Council Member States adopted Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (Strasbourg, 28 January 1981 with Additional Minutes to the Convention on Supervisory Bodies and Cross-Border Data Transmission, Strasbourg, 8 November 2001).
Positions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in “Doing Business” WBG: on the ease of enterprises registration and the registration of property rights
International rating “Doing Business” measures and tracks changes in the
regulation of areas in the life cycle of business, in particular the
registration of enterprises and registration of property rights.
Principle of Proactive role of the court during the course of a proceedings
Kazakhstan discusses introduction of a new type of judicial procedure with a more active role of a judge [1], namely, th
Projects update
As part of
the creation of the Unified Housing Operator in Kazakhstan, the
Linkage&Mind team completed advising on the reorganization of Baiterek
Development JSC by joining it to Kazakhstan Mortgage Company JSC.