Quota on Attraction of Foreign Labour for Priority Projects
The procedure to assign the quota for priority projects has several
differences from the general procedure for assigning quotas on
attraction of foreign labour. For a more detailed understanding of these
differences, it is suggested to analyze the legislation[1] of the
Republic of Kazakhstan, in particular, migration and employment law.
Recent changes to the subsoil use laws
The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Subsoil and Subsoil Use» (hereinafter – the Law) has been significantly amended by virtue of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 269-V from 29.12.2014, № 271-V from 29.12.2014.
Reflections on the restriction of foreign law firms’ activities in Kazakhstan
The Majilis Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan has recently
discussed an issue of restricting the activities of foreign law firms in
Kazakhstan at the round table meeting dedicated to the issues of the
legal services regulation. The material can be accessed through the
following link.
Reforming of judicial system in respect of investor-State dispute settlement
Since the beginning of the New Year, some provisions of law were brought
into force, which are directed on reforming of judicial system for the
purpose of improvement of investment climate in the country, namely
ensuring performance of guarantees of legal protection of activity of
(foreign) investors in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Reviewing the case by state court when there is an arbitration agreement
We had an issue in practice, what should the state court do when it receives the claim regarding the violation of the works contract, which has the arbitration clause.
Some aspects of arrangements constitutive documents of legal entities
Most professionals involved in supporting corporate operations are used to the idea that instruments of incorporation (pre-incorporation contract and/or charter) need to be notarized and registered with the justice department.